Monday, August 25, 2008

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire

Summary: The timeless story of Cinderella is retold by Iris, the "ugly stepsister," set in Holland during the artistic renaissance that gave us Rembrandt.

Rating: 3 out of 5

Comments: Started out slow, I nearly gave up at page 150. I read that it picked up, so I kept going. The rest of the book was definitely better and I enjoyed it. There were a few bright spots in a mostly dark story, but the concept was so original that I made my way through it.


Wilde Mom said...

Hey Krystal! It's me Sarah Hendrix Wilde. If you remember me send me an email at wildeadventures at gmail dot com. I live in Utah too.

Loralee said...

I liked this book too, but didn't expect it to be anything like a Cinderella story so I was pleasantly surprised. It was a little slow in the beginning and there is something odd about the writing - almost as if it was written in a different language and then translated to English. Interesting concept though and I did like the themes of true beauty and blindness throughout the book.